
A Dino-Mite Time With My Kids

Can you imagine the look on an 8 and 10 year old's face when you're trying to describe to them that Mommy is going to put dinosaurs...

Can you imagine the look on an 8 and 10 year old's face when you're trying to describe to them that Mommy is going to put dinosaurs in their pictures?  You can probably imagine the look of confusion and amazement at once in such young faces.

After the wonder and shock wore off the questions came pouring out of them. How can you do that?  What type of dinosaurs?  From my little girl...Can I be a princess?  All leading up to my favorite question...When can we do this?  

Having our family's 2015 Christmas Cards in mind, which I happen to be a bit proud of since it was just October, me and my Oscar worthy performance children set out one afternoon after school and captured these amazing portraits!  We wanted to not only surprise our friends and family with these creative pictures, but their father as well.  My husband just so happened to be out of town on business for that entire week allowing me and my kiddos the opportunity to do this without him finding out.  Yes, he was surprised....VERY surprised!  

As you can see by the portraits below my kids did an outstanding job acting like a dinosaur was actually chasing them.  To everyone out at the park that day that happened to witness us taking these pictures, I apologize if you thought a crazy family was having hallucinations.  

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