
Christy | SENIOR 2015

We were thrilled to be contacted by Christy and her mother about Christy's senior portrait needs!  Christy did an amazing job during h...

We were thrilled to be contacted by Christy and her mother about Christy's senior portrait needs!  Christy did an amazing job during her session and we had so much fun working with her, getting to know Christy more and taking her amazingly beautiful senior portraits!  With so many cute outfits, a beautiful smile and a couple of great locations, besides our awesome studio, Christy knocked her senior session right out of the park!  Thank you to Christy and her mother for contacting and choosing our studio for Christy's senior portrait headquarters!  We are always so thrilled and humbled to be contacted by new clients and so rewarded by them having such a great time during their session!  Congratulations to Christy and the entire class of 2015!  

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