
Luke | 9 months

This is the third time we've photographed Luke and we still cannot get over those big, beautiful blue eyes!  Luke was definitely on the...

This is the third time we've photographed Luke and we still cannot get over those big, beautiful blue eyes!  Luke was definitely on the move during his 9 month session and absolutely fascinated with us and the camera.  We can't count how many times he was carried back to the set because of his crawling capabilities and lightening speed!  Baby Luke is always a delight to photograph and we were so happy to have him back for his 9 month session and we can't believe and wait until we get to photograph him for his BIG 1 year session!  Thank you to Luke and his parents for choosing and visiting our studio for Luke's 9 month session and we can't wait to see how fast he'll be when he visits next!

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